Person cutting wires on a circuit board within an HVAC unit

When To Replace Furnace: Life Span & Expectancy

Furnaces don’t last forever, no matter how well built or even how little it runs during the year. The parts themselves, the plastic and metal components, get older and less reliable over time until it is time to replace your furnace. Fortunately, there are also steps you can take to ensure that your furnace lasts as long as it possibly can. 

With proper care and a little attention, you won’t have to replace your furnace until near the end of its predicted lifespan. How do you know when it is time to replace your furnace? Join us as we look at the facts regarding the lifespan of your heating system.

The Average Furnace Lifespan

Furnaces, on average, last around 15 years, which is the time it takes for the parts inside your furnace to get old and wear out. After 15 years, your furnace may already be showing signs of poor performance and can become unreliable. 

The last thing you want is for your furnace to go out or to stop keeping up with your need for heat in the middle of winter. Scheduling your furnace replacement on time is key to ensuring your family’s warmth and safety each year.

Factors that Reduce Furnace Life Expectancy

Furnaces are essential to maintaining a comfortable home during the colder months, but like any mechanical device, they have a limited lifespan. Several factors can contribute to early furnace replacement, including:

  • Furnace Size: Furnace size matters because it directly affects the performance and efficiency of the heating system. A furnace too small for its house will struggle to heat the entire house, leading to uneven temperatures and higher energy bills. On the other hand, a furnace that is too large will consume more energy and cost more to operate. A properly sized furnace results in better energy efficiency, improved comfort, and lower energy bills.
  • Poor Furnace Installation: The quality of your furnace installation also makes a big difference. A furnace that is properly connected to a well-installed duct system and filtration system, and with strong blower fans, will provide heat more efficiently to the house and need to work less hard to do it. Poor drainage lines or an incorrect fuel supply can also damage your furnace – and possibly your home – causing the need for a replacement far sooner than your furnace’s natural lifespan.
  • Lack of Routine Maintenance: Like any appliance – especially one that runs day and night during the winter – your furnace needs routine maintenance. Regular HVAC inspections, cleanings, and tune-ups can help to prevent long-term damage to your furnace that could cause an early replacement. Setting up an AC tune-up routine with your favorite HVAC crew can keep your air conditioner and furnace in top shape – and prevent furnace-damaging issues – with one to four visits a year.
  • Thermostat Settings: Avoid over-setting your thermostat. Setting your heater to extreme heat will cause it to overwork and burn out much faster than a furnace should in your home based on seasonal temperatures. Setting your furnace too high or too low can be damaging. It is best to keep your house heated between 60 and 80 degrees.

How Will I Know if It’s Time to Replace My Furnace?

Your furnace will let you know —one way or another— when it is time to schedule a furnace replacement. If your furnace can’t keep up with the heat your family needs in the winter, if it power cycles often or won’t come on, these are clear signs that the furnace is no longer functioning optimally.

If your furnace requires frequent repairs or you notice alarming smells or sounds when you turn on your furnace, this can be a sign that your furnace will need to be replaced soon. One of the most important signs to replace your furnace is if your power bills go up every winter, indicating your furnace is less efficient each year.

How to Extend Furnace Lifespan?

The best way to ensure your furnace stays functional for the longest time is to schedule routine HVAC maintenance tune-ups for your entire AC/Heating setup. Superstition Cooling can keep your AC and furnace in top condition with routine inspections, cleanings, tune-ups, and preventative repairs to ensure your system runs at optimal efficiency for the longest possible lifespan.

A regularly cleaned furnace with efficient ductwork and the occasional tune-up can last several years longer than is standard, and you can even counteract a few lifespan-shortening problems with a little extra attention paid to your furnace from here on out. Superstition Cooling is proud to provide reliable HVAC maintenance tune-ups to Apache Junction residents throughout the Phoenix East Valley.

Professional Air Conditioning Installation, Repair, & Maintenance Services in Apache Junction

Furnaces play a vital role in maintaining the comfort of your home during the colder months. At Superstition Cooling, we are dedicated to providing professional air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance services in Apache Junction. 

Our team of experienced HVAC technicians is trained to work with a wide variety of equipment, and we offer warranties for all of our work. Don’t let a faulty furnace ruin your winter. Contact us today to schedule your furnace service in Apache Junction and ensure your home stays warm and comfortable all season long. 

Image Credit / Shutterstock / Charles Knowles 

Blue flames of natural gas burning inside of a boiler

How Long Do Furnaces Usually Last?

Every appliance has a lifecycle, no matter how essential it is to your home. The same is true of your furnace. Most modern homes are built with an electric or gas furnace to keep the house warm during winter. Some regions use their furnace only one month out of the year, some for more than five months, but all furnaces have a lifespan.

How do you know when to replace a furnace, and how long should your furnace last? At Superstition Cooling, we want you to have all the answers when you need them, so let’s dive into the lifespan of your average furnace and the right time to schedule a furnace replacement if your furnace has started to show signs of failure.

How Long Does a Furnace Last?

Furnaces are designed to last about 15 years. Your average furnace will last about this time, but some go out sooner, and some run far longer than they should. If you live in a cold-weather climate where the furnace runs for many months during the year, you may need a furnace repair sooner. In a warm-weather climate with a particularly high-quality furnace, you may see one keep functioning for 20+ years — but not without issues!

If your furnace is reaching that age or has passed its expiration date, it may be time to schedule a furnace replacement. Of course, this timing isn’t arbitrary, like the “sell by” date on dry goods. There are some very clear signs when your furnace’s time has come.

7 Signs You Need a New Furnace

How do you know when it’s time to replace your furnace? Most of the time, your furnace will let you know.

  • Your Furnace is More Than 15 Years Old: The first sign is your furnace’s age. If the furnace is as old as your house and over 15 years old, there is a good chance that a furnace replacement will be in your future. You may also be able to check the dates on the furnace maintenance record or look up the serial number if you are not sure.
  • Your Energy Bills Have Gone Up: When an HVAC appliance like your furnace gets old, it becomes less efficient. That means more electricity for less heat over time, so check your utility bill. If your power bills are going up, and your usage is also going up every winter, chances are that your old furnace is taking more than its fair share of the power bill, and a new furnace would start paying itself off immediately in savings.
  • Frequent (Yearly+) Furnace Repairs: The same is true if your furnace needs to be repaired once a year or even more frequently. Repeated repairs indicate that the parts inside your furnace are wearing out quickly and at the same time.
  • Your Home Isn’t Warm Enough: If your furnace can’t keep up with heating demands after you have cleaned the filter and had a maintenance service, the furnace is no longer able. A furnace that can’t heat your home must be replaced before it goes out at the worst possible time.
  • It’s Abnormally Dusty in Your Home: A failing furnace may also eject a lot more dust into your home. Furnaces release soot or other types of dust as the parts fail.
  • Strange Smells, Sounds, or Behavior: Trust your senses to tell you when something is wrong with your furnace. Have you smelt unusual scorchy or moldy smells when the furnace turns on? Do you hear clanging, banking, or the sound of a machine struggling to keep up? Do you see lights flicker when the furnace starts up or other signs that something is wrong? Call for repairs. But if your furnace is old, plan for a replacement. If you smell burning – especially the smell of hot metal or plastic – turn off your furnace and call a pro immediately.
  • Your Furnace Isn’t Cycling Properly: Power cycling is always a bad sign for a furnace. If your furnace switches on and off all the time, won’t switch on, or won’t switch off, this can be a sign that the electrical system is going. When there are power issues, plan for a furnace replacement before a disaster occurs.

Professional Air Conditioning Installation, Repair, & Maintenance Services in Apache Junction

Does your Apache Junction home need a new furnace? Don’t worry. We are prepared to help you out. Here at Superstition Cooling, we know that even AZ furnaces don’t last forever. 

If your furnace is costing you money, making strange sounds or smells, or leaving your household vulnerable to cold temperatures during the winter. Contact us today for an estimate. Let Superstition Cooling assist you in selecting the appropriate furnace and arranging a suitable time for your furnace replacement and installation.

Image Credit / Shutterstock / Dmitry Naumov

HVAC unit outside of home surrounded by plants and green grass.

How To Clean An HVAC Filter

Spring or fall is the best time to do some HVAC maintenance. Regular maintenance ensures your HVAC system is fully functional. The easiest way to maintain your HVAC system is to change or clean your air conditioning filters every two to three months. Homeowners can easily clean their HVAC filters or seek professional help for guaranteed quality services.

So how do you clean your AC filter? Look no further than Superstition Cooling! Superstition Cooling is the best HVAC company in Apache Junction that takes great pride in offering various high-quality services. We also educate our clients on HVAC systems, especially how to clean a dirty HVAC filter.

Why Do Air Filters Matter?

Air filters in your home’s HVAC system are essential as they protect the system from dust and debris that might hinder effective functioning. It also removes harmful contaminants such as dirt, dust, viruses, pollen, pet dander, and bacteria in the air, preventing them from circulating throughout your home.

Air filters are vital for everyone, especially those living in highly polluted areas and those suffering from respiratory diseases like asthma. Since HVAC systems are essential, homeowners can improve their performance and extend their lifespan by simply cleaning the AC filters.

What Are the Different Kinds of Air Filters?

It is important to ensure that you are using the right type of filter, clean when dirty, and change or make the necessary maintenance when necessary. Here are some of the different kinds of filters available for your residential HVAC system:

  • Fiberglass Air Filters

These are disposable and the least expensive filters. Fiberglass filters are mainly designed to protect your HVAC system by causing less strain when drawing in air and keeping large particles out of your system. However, they are not great at keeping out dust and other small contaminant particles, thus making them inappropriate for use by people with allergies and other respiratory problems.

  • Pleated Air Filters

These air filters are made from polyester folds or cotton. They are slightly more expensive than a fiberglass air filter and more effective in filtering dust and other pollutants due to their large surface area. In addition, pleated air filters with more pleats provide better filtering than those with fewer pleats.

  • High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters

These filters are great and exceptional at screening out airborne allergens and pollutants, making them ideal for people suffering from respiratory issues.

  • UV Filters

UV filters are built into the HVAC system and use short-wave ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in the air that pass through them. UV filters are great when you have concerns about indoor air quality but are not as efficient at removing pollutants like dust.

  • Electrostatic Filters

These AC filters use the electrostatic charge from small cotton and paper fibers to attract dust and other airborne particles. Electrostatic filters are available as disposables and reusable.

  • Washable Filters

Even though washable filters are expensive, they are an environmentally friendly way to save money. You can remove them, clean them, and reuse them repeatedly instead of buying new ones after every few months.

How to Clean Your HVAC Filters?

Indoor air quality is important for every homeowner in Arizona. Having proper and clean HVAC filters makes a huge difference between polluted air and clean air that is healthy to breathe. How to clean AC filters in your home is a common question among homeowners in Apache Junction that can be resolved through the following simple steps:

  1. Turn off your HVAC unit.
  2. Check the service panel on your unit to find and remove the filter. Some systems have multiple filters, so ensure to check the vents.
  3. Place the filter on the ground facing up and vacuum the dust and debris.
  4. If your AC filter has grime buildup, it needs a thorough cleaning. Fill your sink with warm water and vinegar, soak your filter for an hour and then rinse them clean. You can also use your hands or a soft brush to rub away the remaining debris but avoid using any pressurized settings as it could damage your filter.
  5. Let the filter dry completely before reinserting them to prevent the growth of mold and mildew on the filter.

Professional Air Conditioning, Installation, Repair, and Maintenance, Services in Apache Junction

Are you a homeowner and still wondering how to clean AC filters? Worry no more! Superstition Cooling has highly trained staff who offer HVAC unit installation, repair, and maintenance services quickly and correctly.

We are a family-owned HVAC company offering homeowners everything they need to keep their HVAC filters in top condition and their homes’ internal temperatures stable. Contact us for air conditioner filter maintenance and tune-up services in Apache Junction.

Image Credit To The Toidi & grandbrothers

hvac maintenance

Are My Furnace & A/C The Same Thing?

hvac maintenanceAre the furnace and AC the same? Most homeowners need more awareness of how a furnace works with an AC. Most people are often surprised to learn that their cooling and heating systems are connected. Your HVAC system is responsible for ventilation, heating, and air conditioning, making it have many components working collaboratively to provide your home with optimal comfort.

Are you wondering whether your AC and furnace are the same, or want to know how they interact? Look no further than Superstitions Cooling! Superstitions Cooling provides great insights into HVAC systems, including whether your furnace and AC are the same.

How Does Your Furnace Work?

Home furnaces differ in the energy they consume, such as gas, electricity, and oil, which affects how they produce heat. But once a furnace warms the air, it is distributed the same way regardless of the energy type. So how does your furnace work in your home? Here are a few steps:

  1. When the temperature drops below the thermostat setting for heat, two signals are sent by the thermostat: one to the furnace to begin a heating cycle, while the other is sent to the blower motor to activate the HVAC fan.
  2. The furnace’s heating elements receive the signal and activate. In oil and gas furnaces, their fuel is released through valves to produce open flames, while in the electric furnace, electricity powers heating elements in the electric space heaters.
  3. Heat is then transferred to the air. In gas and oil furnaces, this occurs when the flames heat the heat exchanger component that warms the air around it, while in the electric furnace, heat is transferred by exposing the heating elements to open air.
  4. The HVAC fan and the blower motor push the warm air through the ducts and vents, warming your home.
  5. The thermostat then detects when the indoor temperatures reach the desired levels and send signals to turn off the furnace and the blower motor.

How Does Your AC Work?

Your home air conditioner works the same way as your furnace. However, instead of taking air from outside and heating it, the air conditioner cools the air down and distributes it throughout your home via ducts reducing the temperatures. Your AC works through the following process:

  1. The warm air is first drawn into the HVAC system.
  2. This air then flows over the cold evaporator pipes inside, cooling the air down, and the dehumidifier removes excess moisture from the air.
  3. The coolant flowing through the chiller pipes absorbs the heat from the air blowing past it and evaporates it, turning it from a cool liquid to a warm gas.
  4. The warm gas is pumped outside while the coolant flows through the compressor unit and a condenser which turns it back into a cool liquid.
  5. Cold air is then recirculated into the room, mixing with the existing air and reducing the home’s temperatures.

How Does My AC Unit Work with My Furnace?

Understanding how a furnace works with an AC can be slightly confusing for homeowners in East Valley. Your furnace and air conditioner are stand-alone components of your HVAC system, which function independently to ensure heating and air conditioning. However, they are connected using the same infrastructure, like ducts and vents, to circulate air throughout your home.

AC Tuneups and Maintenance | Superstition Cooling

Comfort Systems Rely On Each Other for Best Performance

Does a furnace need to be on for the AC to work and vice versa? Your air conditioner and furnace are essential and interconnected components of your HVAC system. As a result, your comfort systems rely on each other for the best performance. Your air conditioner and furnace are dependent on each other in various ways, such as:

  • Both AC and furnace use the same thermostat to activate and shut down.
  • The AC and the furnace use the same blower to spread cool and warm air throughout your home.
  • The AC evaporator coil’s work is to transfer excess heat and moisture from inside your house to outside and might freeze up when there is a problem with the HVAC system.
  • The furnace and the AC unit work together to clean and condition the air before recirculating it throughout the house.

Since your home’s cooling and heating system are encompassed in the HVAC system, you should maintain your HVAC system. Damage to one component might damage other parts of the system.

Professional Air Conditioning Installation, Repair & Maintenance Services in Apache Junction

Are you looking for professional HVAC system maintenance and tune-up services in Apache Junction?

Superstitions Cooling is the best HVAC company with professional staff to offer you excellent HVAC system services quickly. Contact us for an estimate for all your HVAC system maintenance and tune-up needs.

Outdoor hvac air conditioning condensing unit with tools on

The Ultimate Guide To AC Units In Arizona

So, your air conditioner’s on the fritz, and you’re ready to replace it with a new, updated unit. With so many different options on the market, it can be hard to narrow down your choices to find the best air conditioner for your Arizona home.

Luckily, most units today are much more efficient and cost-effective, and you can find the right one by considering a few factors. In this ultimate guide, we’ve gathered the best air conditioners for Arizona on the market today so that you can find the right one for your home.

Factors to Consider When Buying Air Conditioner

There are several factors to consider when narrowing your search for the best ac unit for your Arizona home. Here are some important factors to think about, along with some questions to ask yourself:

  • The price: “What would you like to spend?” and “What does your budget allow?” Ensure you get a quote that includes the overall cost of installation and supplies.
  • Overall performance: “What performance level does your home require?” Once you’ve chosen a brand, you’ll need to select the unit with the right performance level for AC in Arizona.
  • AC Quality: The quality of a new air conditioner is key to staying within budget. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending money on endless repairs.
  • The size of your home: “What is your home’s size?” Use this information to determine how much heat each unit can remove from the air per hour. That way, you can select the right unit to cool the air in your home efficiently.
  • Extra features: Although they aren’t crucial, certain features can make one unit stand out more than another. Consider whether you’d like extra perks that make life easier. These extra features can include WI-FI capabilities and Smart features.

Best AC Units for Arizona in 2022

With all these factors in mind, your next step is choosing the brand you like best.

Trane Air Conditioners

Trane air conditioners are high-quality, Energy Star-rated products that come in various shapes and sizes at different price points. When you purchase a Trane product, you can be certain that you are getting one of the best AC units for Arizona summers. They are rust and corrosion-resistant and come with advanced technology to give you extra features for comfort and efficiency.

Lennox Air Conditioners

Since the late 1800s, Lennox has been designing excellent products that are high-quality and long-lasting. They are one of the best brands of AC units for Arizona due to their ability to adjust performance to maintain an even temperature inside your home — no matter what the weather is like outside. From Energy Star certification to high customer ratings, it is clear that Lennox is worth considering for your next Arizona AC unit.

Rheem Air Conditioners

Rheem offers a line of high-performance air conditioners that can handle the heat in Arizona. The company is known for its excellent customer service and exemplary warranties. Rheem focuses on green energy and offers an air conditioner for every budget. What sets this brand apart is its diagnostic feature that allows your air conditioner to detect potential problems so you can get them repaired quickly. Overall, it is a solid brand that creates some of the best AC units for Arizona.

Bryant Air Conditioners

For over 100 years, Bryant air conditioners have been at the forefront of innovation and design. These sturdy units are created to handle the heat, making them one of Arizona’s best air conditioners. They run quieter than most air conditioners on the market, and they’re built with efficiency in mind. They’re also equipped with Evolution Connex Control technology, allowing you to control the temperature inside your home with your smartphone.

Professional Air Conditioning Installation, Repair, & Maintenance Services in Apache Junction

Purchasing a new AC unit can be overwhelming, and choosing one that fits your home and budget is important. Here at Superstition Cooling, we know air conditioners and are here to help. Contact us today with questions or to request an estimate.

Air repair mechanic using measuring equipment for filling industrial factory

San Tan Valley Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is essential here in San Tan Valley, so keeping yours in working order is important. If your unit doesn’t seem to be working effectively or stops working altogether, it is time to call the pros. Our experts are prepared to repair, replace, and take care of scheduled maintenance to ensure your home stays nice and comfortable all year.

Residential HVAC Service and Complete Air Conditioning System Services in San Tan Valley

When it comes to air conditioning repair in San Tan Valley, Superstition Co ling is the company to call. Our family-owned business, located in Apache Junction, provides AC repair, replacement, and installation services to homeowners throughout the Phoenix area. Customer satisfaction is at the heart of what we do, so we offer a 12-month service warranty and a 100% guarantee on every job.

When your air conditioner is on the fritz, you can rest assured that Superstition Cooling will get things up and running again in no time.

Air Conditioning Service and Repair

Summers in the Phoenix area can be brutal, and your home should be an oasis from the heat. Our mission is to provide the best AC repair in San Tan Valley so you don’t have to suffer a single minute.

If your AC unit isn’t keeping your house cool or stops working completely, give us a call. We pride ourselves in responding quickly to diagnose and treat the problem, so your home stays cool, and your unit continues to work efficiently — if you are not 100% satisfied, we will come back and make it right.

Air Conditioning Replacement

Sometimes the best budget-friendly choice is to replace your air conditioner altogether. It can be difficult to know whether your air conditioning needs repairs or if it is time to replace it. That is why we are here to help. Our expert technicians value honesty, integrity, and quality customer service. We’ll help you weigh your options to make the best decision for your budget and home.

If your air conditioner is struggling to keep your home cool or feels like you always have to call for repairs, it may be time to replace your unit. Another good rule of thumb is to replace your unit after it’s over 15 years old. At that point, a newer air conditioner will work more efficiently, and it’ll save on energy savings in the long run.

Air Conditioning Installation

If your air conditioner stops working, call Superstition Cooling. We know how critical it is to have working AC in the Apache Junction area, and we’re here to help. If your air conditioner unit needs to be replaced, we’ll help you find the replacement that meets your needs. Together, we’ll determine which products match your budget and home best.

HVAC Maintenance & Tune-Ups in San Tan Valley

Scheduled HVAC maintenance and tune-ups can prolong the life of your unit. Give us a call, and one of our professional technicians will provide a diagnostic inspection to measure the status of your system. That way, we can catch small, inexpensive problems before they become big, costly ones. Many homeowners ignore telltale signs that their air conditioner needs repair, causing their system to work harder until it breaks down.

Regular maintenance will ensure that your HVAC system is in perfect working order to run efficiently and effectively all summer. Maintenance of your air conditioning unit helps you detect potential problems which you can be certain will cost less if caught sooner than later.

We also offer regularly scheduled maintenance services to prolong the life of your unit. Give us a call, and we will send someone to complete an inspection and tune-up of your AC unit. That way, you can ensure that it is running efficiently and effectively.

Professional Air Conditioning Installation, Repair, & Maintenance Services in San Tan Valley

If you’re looking for the most honest and professional AC experts in San Tan Valley, call the experts at Superstition Cooling. Schedule an appointment today to schedule a tune-up or request an estimate on your AC repair.

Image Credit to dotspencer / dotspencer / moo photograph

Ductless Air Conditioning For Your Condo

Benefits Of Installing Ductless Condo Air Conditioning

Ductless Air Conditioning For Your Condo

Designing or upgrading a condo takes careful consideration. Every element matters to your health, comfort, and financial satisfaction, especially when it comes to your air conditioning. The right AC unit is quiet, keeps every room comfortable, and doesn’t cost a fortune to run when it gets hot outside. Ideally, the installation doesn’t disrupt your home’s structure and integrity. This smooth installation and ease of comfort are why ductless air conditioning has been such a hit with Phoenix condo owners who must thoughtfully plan for future summer seasons. Ductless air conditioning, also called “ductless mini-split,” is a variation of the classic two-unit AC system designed in Japan for compact Japanese homes which did not have room to install ductwork. It works by distributing the coolant system from one outdoor unit into 1-4 indoor ductless AC units.  Many condo owners have favored ductless ACs to stop worrying about ducts, get that ceiling space back, or upgrade a condo that never had ducts and has no room to add them. Of course, the benefits of ductless condo air conditioning go beyond the simple efficiency of space.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Air Conditioning System For Your Condo

Every home deserves fresh, cool air throughout the rooms. No matter what year your condo was built or the original design decisions made by the builders, you should have the right AC to cool the space – especially in the hot Phoenix summer. The right AC will increase the comfort of your home and the aesthetic, and you’ll see a difference in your annual power bills when the temperature rises. Why put up with insufficient, costly, or unsightly condo air conditioning when you could upgrade to the sleekest, most efficient condo solution?

Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioning in Condos

The benefits of installing ductless mini-split AC into your condo are numerous, but here are our top favorite reasons why this could be a positive move for your house and your family.

Easy Professional Installation

Ductless mini-split systems are ten times easier and less costly to install than a new ductwork system. If you don’t already have ducts, putting them in can be unattractive, space-consuming, and labor-intensive. A ductless AC requires only a 3-inch hole through which the coolant and power lines will run, and installation only takes a day.

Comfortable And Quiet

Unlike a rattling window unit or the quiet roar of a central AC system, ductless condo air conditioning is surprisingly quiet. It is also excellent at keeping the house cool and comfortable by controlling the temperature of each room. Every unit provides on-site air filtration and can easily be adapted to your comfort level in the room instead of throughout the entire house.

Ductless Condo AC Unit

Creating AC Zones in Your Condo

A ductless mini-split air conditioning can even provide you with adaptive AC zones, so you don’t have to choose just one temperature for the entire home. It’s a mini-split because you can split the coolant lines into two, three, or even four separate “zones.”In terms of comfort, this means you can even have a warm and cool side of the house based on the comfort of each at-home family member.

Inexpensive Operating Cost

Much of the electricity required to run a central air system goes to the blower fan, pushing air at a high PSI through the ducts and into each room. Ductless ACs don’t need that level of power because the cold is created inside each room. Less electricity use means lower power bills and inexpensive operation. Also, with zones, you can choose which parts of the house to cool or heat – and by how much – to minimize costs when the home is not fully occupied.

Increase The Value Of Your Condo

Ductless condo air conditioning is also at the cutting edge of urban home design. Clean air with on-site air filters in each room, controllable temps, and no unsightly ducts can notably increase the property value of a condo, especially if you are upgrading an older condo to the latest residential trends.

Professional Ductless Air Conditioning In Apache Junction

Are you looking for the perfect upgrade to your condo air conditioning? Superstition Cooling has the expertise you need to install a top-of-the-line ductless mini-split system for your condo to achieve that sleek, futuristic feel that every beautiful city home deserves. Contact us today to learn more about our ductless ACs and how to choose the right air conditioning solution for your condo upgrades.

Image credits to Nawin Kitpipatphinyo & Andrey_Popov

Why Does My AC Fan Not Stop?

Top Reasons Your AC Fan is Not Working

Why Does My AC Fan Not Stop?

An air conditioning unit typically has four settings to choose from: Hot or cold, fan on or off, and the target temperature the HVAC should strive for. When that temperature is reached, most units will switch off the cooling or heating unit and the fan simultaneously. If the fan is set to “on,” it will continue cycling air through the filter and ducts while the unit turns off.However, at no time is your AC fan supposed to run on without control or stopping. If you can’t switch your AC fan off or your AC fan never alternates between off and on when set to “auto,” you may have a problem that needs AC repair.Today, let’s take a closer look at why your AC fan might stay on and what you can do about it.

How Your Air Conditioning Fan Typically Works

Your air conditioning fan is the push to your AC. While the AC and heating units treat the air for the temperature you want, the blower fan pushes it through the ducts and into each room.

Auto Setting

In order to save electricity, the “auto” setting deactivates the blower fan alongside the heating and cooling units when the desired temperature is reached. It will turn the unit and the blower fan back on if the ambient temperature rises above or below that line.

Fan On Setting

In the “fan-on” setting, your fan will blow whether or not the AC is running. Likely, your AC will run until the desired temperature is reached, and the fan will continue cycling air until the setting is changed.

Common Fan Issues

How can your air conditioner fan go wrong? Let’s look at the four most common fan issues that can cause an AC fan that won’t turn off.

Thermostat at the Wrong Setting

Always check to make sure your thermostat is at the correct setting. People in the house may have set it when cold, hot, or half-asleep. You may have bumped the switch to the wrong position without realizing it. Better to check than assume the worst.

Thermostat Problems

Among the most common air, conditioner fan issues relate to the thermostat. The temperature sensor can be faulty and stop detecting the correct temperature – and therefore, never turn off the AC and fan. Or the thermostat may have stopped sending a correct signal. Change the thermostat batteries – if applicable – and make sure that if you change the mode, the AC’s behavior also changes.

Extreme Hot or Cold Outdoors

Extreme temperatures outdoors can result in a fan that never stops running indoors. A continually running fan means that the temperature you’ve selected cannot be reached by reasonable means. For example, if you are trying to bridge more than 20-25 degrees.

Broken Switch or Fused Circuit

Lastly, if the electronics have quite directly failed, it’s possible your blower fan cannot get the signal to stop blowing. If the blower fan cannot stop running, it can mean a fault in the switch of the circuit. A fused circuit means the switch can no longer cut the power to the fan.

How to Prevent Air Conditioning Problems

If you want your HVAC to work smoothly every time, follow these simple steps:

  1. Keep it in good condition with regular tune-ups.
  2. Have your AC and heater units cleaned and maintained once a year.
  3. If there are detected problems, have them fixed before they become issues.

Have the thermostat inspected, a matter that is often overlooked, and replace any thermostat that is more than ten years old. These devices don’t last forever but are easier to replace than you may realize.Call for AC repairs when problems arise. If you smell or hear something unusual, call your HVAC technician. Early spotting can save you thousands on repairs and prevent issues from creating build-up and bigger problems inside your HVAC unit.

Professional Air Conditioning Repair & Tune-Ups in Apache Junction

Every homeowner in Apache Junction deserves an AC that works reliably and efficiently. Being able to control exactly when your AC is on or your fan is blowing is control over your home’s comfort and air quality. Fortunately, keeping your HVAC in great shape isn’t hard with professionals on your side. Get your HVAC tuned up once a year and call for AC repairs promptly when you need them, and your AC will serve your family home reliably for a decade or three. Superstition cooling is proud to provide reliable AC repair and maintenance services to residents of Apache Junction. Contact us today to keep your AC in great shape.

Image Credit to fizkes


Do I need Heat Repair before the Holidays?


Arizona is well-known for its brutal sunlight, which radiates into beautiful days and balmy summer evenings. More so, winters can be equally chilly with extreme temperatures that can be draining. Whether you live in the warmest regions of Phoenix or somewhere with cooler temperatures, heaters are critical for every house. The last thing you need before the holidays is the stress of miserable temperatures due to a faulty heater or HVAC system.

Holidays are the most beautiful seasons of the year. Again, people offer thanks during this time, reconnect with loved ones, and celebrate. In that regard, there’s little to no time for various housework activities such as HVAC repairs. Nothing, not even minor annoyances like slow heaters, should interfere with your holidays, so you must undertake routine heater maintenance and repairs before the holidays kick start.

Superstition Cooling professionals are here to immediately handle all the repairs, whether your heater has decided to jam on you early in the morning, at night, or midday in the scorching sun. If you’re looking for heater repair in the Phoenix East Valley, learn more with Superstition Cooling here.

4 Reasons to Schedule HVAC Repair and Maintenance Before the Holidays

Don’t worry too much about whether your heater needs to be replaced or repaired. We are ready to assist you, no matter what your needs are. You don’t want to start dealing with a cooling or heater catastrophe when you need it most. We have created a list of reasons why you need to schedule your HVAC repair and maintenance with Superstition Cooling before the holiday.

Ensure Heater & HVAC Efficiency

Your heating system will develop minor problems over time, and regular use could reduce its effectiveness. Your heater professional will detect and fix these problems during routine maintenance visits, including cleaning your heating system, lubricating any moving parts that require it, and replacing any broken or worn-out components.

Prevent Significant HVAC Issues & Problems

The most straightforward strategy to avoid HVAC emergencies always has a maintenance management plan. Regular heating system inspections allow a qualified heating professional to see minor issues before they become more serious, pricey ones. Plan to have your HVAC systems inspected and fixed before important events so that you can relax knowing that your unit won’t break down when your friends arrive and the celebrations start.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

An HVAC system affects more than just the temperature of your home. If your fan is set to “on,” it will continue to run even if your HVAC system is not currently heating or cooling your home. The air will circulate more often as a result which might assist in keeping your house at a comfortable temperature. Heat repair in Phoenix is significant because it covers this.

However, if your filter isn’t effectively removing hazardous particles from the air, more air movement could not be a good thing. Most air filters can capture larger airborne debris, but some are less effective at capturing smaller particles like pet hair and pollen, which is why maintenance and repair procedures are required.

During a furnace tune-up, an HVAC expert should remove any dust or debris from your furnace cabinet. An HVAC expert should also inspect your condenser, compressor, and evaporator coil, all of which work to remove moisture in the air inside your home. It’s essential to look out for mold and bacterial growth on air conditioners and heat pumps, even though both systems include condensate drains. The expert should also evaluate your blower fan.

Gain Peace of Mind

Routine maintenance will ease your mind year-round, ensuring your heater won’t start functioning poorly, using more energy in the process, and causing a rise in your heating expenditures by 5% yearly. That suggests you won’t have to start paying 25% extra after just a few years.

Maintenance helps you to benefit from a more convenient and dependable performance from the heater while saving money on repairs because it prevents more than half of the repairs that a heating system might otherwise need. Besides having a humble time over the holidays, HVAC repairs will ensure that you aren’t wondering what happens if your air conditioner decides to fail.

Professional Heater & HVAC Repair & Maintenance in Apache Junction

Are you looking for Heater Repair in the Phoenix valley? Prepare your heater unit for the winter holidays in Phoenix, AZ, with the help of Superstition Cooling. We focus on guiding homeowners, like you, in deciding what the ideal heating equipment for your specific home is. Also, beyond HVAC repairs, we offer a broad spectrum of services with AC repairs, gas heaters, and air conditioner tune-ups. Contact the experts at Superstition Cooling to request an estimate.


Image credit: J.J. Gouin / Shutterstock


Will My Furnace Need Repair before the Holidays?

Preparing your HVAC for winter ensures your home stays warm in the cold season. While you want the air conditioner to keep working throughout, it is essential to understand that the unit may develop issues that require repair before the holidays. If you notice your HVAC is not running efficiently, it is best to look for help from a furnace repair Phoenix professional to inspect the AC and repair it accordingly.

Signs You Need HVAC Repair Before the Holidays

An HVAC can become inefficient for various reasons and may break down unexpectedly. It is essential to check out for signs that require repair to get the unit fixed before the holiday. Here are the common signs.

The Pilot Light Isn’t a Steady Blue

If you notice a blue-burning pilot light from your gas furnace, there is a steady natural gas supply. But if the flame color changes to red, green, or yellow, there is an issue. Chances are that grime, oil, dirt, excessive air, or dust entered the gas and burned along with the methane.

These elements can create harmful chemicals when they burn. It is essential to have the issue fixed because living it can affect gas flow. Consider calling a furnace repair Phoenix technician to inspect the unit and repair it accordingly.

You Can See or Feel Excess Moisture

Does your unit look like it is sweating when running? It could mean that the air conditioner has a problem. Condensation occurs due to insufficient insulation or damaged insulation. When this happens, you will see excess moisture on the doors, windows, or tile flooring.

Increased moisture can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can be a health hazard to your family. Excess condensation requires emergency repair. It’d be best to look for a furnace repair Phoenix, AZ, technician to fix the issue and prevent more damage that could lead to a total breakdown of your unit.

You Are Constantly Adjusting the Thermostat

Adjusting the thermostat temperature settings causes unnecessary wear and tear to your thermostat and the entire HVAC unit. The unit works hard to meet your desired temperatures, leading to wasted energy and high energy bills. It could also cause the unit to break down earlier than it should. Speak to an experienced furnace repair Phoenix contractor to fix the issue and avoid costly repairs or a replacement in the long run.

Inconsistent Hot & Cold Spots in Your Home

Uneven temperatures are a common occurrence in homes, and this happens due to closed air vents, air duct leaks, and poorly installed thermostats, among other reasons. At the same time, it can be difficult to determine the underlying problem causing uneven distribution of heat or cold in your home. If you feel random cold and hot spots in your home, it’d be best to call an HVAC contractor to examine the unit and fix the issue, providing a long-term solution.

The Furnace or HVAC Equipment Is Old

Every furnace has a lifespan as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. However, if most of these components are not working efficiently, you should consider replacing the entire unit with a new one even before the lifespan. If you continue using the unit, it may break down unexpectedly and when needed most, especially in winter.

It is important to note that HVAC installation requires an experienced technician. If you plan to replace your old unit, speak to a furnace installation in Phoenix, AZ, a technician for proper installation to keep your AC efficient.

Maintain Your Heating System to Prevent HVAC Failure during the Holidays

For your HVAC to stay functional, efficient, and ready for the holidays, it is important to have proper maintenance. Ensuring proper maintenance is an essential consideration that will not only keep your house warm in the cold season but will also prolong the life of your unit and prevent high energy consumption that could lead to increased energy bills. Poorly maintained furnaces are also a potential fire hazard. Consider scheduled maintenance to keep the unit running efficiently.

Superstition Cooling is an experienced HVAC contractor in Phoenix East Valley, serving homeowners within the Apache junction. Our experienced technicians have the skills required to make your air conditioner efficient and cool and heat your home. We’ve served different homes within the area, ensuring efficient furnaces in all seasons. You can rest assured that Superstition Cooling can solve all the problems with your furnace.

Professional Furnace Repair & Tune-Ups in Apache Junction

If you notice any unusual signs in your HVAC and doubt it will serve you during the holidays, it’d be best to contact a furnace repair Phoenix professional to fix the system or replace it.

Superstition Cooling has all it takes to fix or replace your AC based on the underlying issues. We strive to exceed your expectations and give you value for your money. Whether you need HVAC repairs, replacement, installation, or maintenance to prepare for the winter holidays in Apache Junction Phoenix East Valley, we can help. Contact us today for a free estimate.

Image credit: Philippe Clement / Shutterstock